Toy "Fire-Truck TechnoK" (in box), art. 5392

CategoryVehiclesCars 30.5 cm
Art. code5392
Weight845 g
Dimensions36.5 х 24.5 х 21.5 cm
Package Dimensions54 х 45 х 38 cm
About Product

  Right from the first minutes of playing with a toy "Fire-Truck TechnoK", your child will feel like a true fire-man. It’s colour and functionality make the truck extremely notable among other cars of the specialized trucks series. 

  Technical features of the toy:

         - fire ladder goes up and pops out up to length of 40 cm;

         - openable back door in cargo compartment;

         - ladder stoppers provide additional balance.  

  Fire-truck may be used  on its own or together with another models of series “Titan TechnoK”. 

  The toy comes in a vivid semi-open box.