Starting from June 30th, 2016 we began to upload the video information to our YouTube channel TechnoK Toys ТехноК Тойз.
Here we are providing video information about the company as well as the instructions to the products, primarily to our metal construction sets. Thus, four videoinstructions to the new building set "Budtechnika TechnoK" that is soon going to be onsale have been already posted to this channel. Actually we were first to offer a new approach that enables our customers to stop the instructional video any time thay want to recheck the building tips. Each video starts with an interesting presentation of our manufactured product. By the way, our company would like to express a deep gratitude to an operator Dmytro Аntonov, who helped us to create the videoinstructions mentioned above.
You can find the recommended channel on the poduct booklet page of the company website or using the QR code with You Tube mark, listed on the product box.